You have probably seen those ads where people on a zoom meeting are business dress on top but PJ’s on the bottom. Amusing however while that might work in a meeting it won’t for a job interview.
Prepping for a job interview is key to success. Definitely do your research and be prepared with some good questions that show you have indeed done your research. Then take a look at how you will present to the perspective employer. There are lots of great tips online on how to best setup your device, suggest lighting and background images. Avoid the obvious mistakes and take down distracting posters and art but also it is so important that you are setup in an environment where you won’t be distracted or interrupted. Children crashing a zoom call or a dog’s incessant barking loses its charm quickly in a job interview.
Groom and dress for an interview as if you were walking in the employers’ door, including shoes! It gives the process the gravitas it deserves. There may be several people involved on the employers’ side and you don’t want them distracted by the fact you haven’t shaved or done your hair. If you haven’t been wearing work clothes for a bit, try things on and make sure they still fit. Nothing is more distracting then a candidate pulling at their clothes during the interview. And anyone who tells you that appearance doesn’t matter is lying.
Back before the “great pause” I would prep candidates for a telephone and or Skype interview by encouraging them to practice in front of a mirror so they could see how a smile and or distraction affected their delivery. The same thing goes for the zoom interview. If you can have a friend do a practice call with you to make sure you have the basics down.
To sum up, treat the zoom interview just as you would a face to face interview and you may get the chance to move onto the face to face interview stage!