My son sent me this quotation,” We peer so suspiciously at each other that we cannot see that we Canadians are standing on the mountaintop of wealth, freedom and privilege.”
This last couple of weeks shook not just our neighbours to the south but the entire world. I’m a boomer with a bit of hippy sensibility left over from the 70’s and hate rhetoric sends chills because we saw some bad stuff.
So now what? What have we learned? Well one thing we can take on board and I am speaking here to politicians is that your message must be styled for todays market. One side always treats the citizens as if they are brilliant and able to grasp nuance and the other has a message directed at the non critical thinkers.
Having said that its important to remember that despite the hate filled rhetoric we see and hear in our own country, this is Canada. We are governed by a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a good read especially if you are unsure.
At the end of the day its up to each and everyone of us to stand for Canada.