
Will you be my referee?

Nov 19, 20202 min read

References are tricky and deserve their own blog post. Candidates looking for new opportunities should have 2-3 business related references ready to go. Ideally, they will be supervisors or managers and perhaps for the third, a team member. Candidates should call, I repeat call and speak with each potential referee and outline the position they are applying for and who to expect a call from. You should be comfortable that…

Funny Story

Nov 12, 2020

Over the years I have had a few stories in my locker that still make me smile. A couple of them relate to “dressing for an interview”. A new recruiter on my team was working a mandate with a very good client of ours who needed an admin support person. A pretty junior role but a good job with a…

For the Hiring Managers!

Nov 9, 2020

The first posts to the blog have focused on candidates and job search preparedness but today I’m changing things up a bit by addressing screeners, gate keepers and hiring managers. Screening resumes for a particular position does require some skill. Many companies use a search function to shortlist candidates and that can be effective but you miss a lot looking…

“Why am I not getting a job?”

Nov 2, 2020

I receive unsolicited emails and resumes from potential candidates almost every day. I welcome them because in my business being able to add resumes to the data base is always a good thing. However, every once and a while I will get an email that is all anger and bitterness because the writer has not been able to find a…

Interview Prep 102

Oct 26, 2020

Interview prep 101 is practising answering questions about your work history, accomplishments and goals.   Interview prep 102 is practising the questions you ask of the interviewer. This is an often over looked part of the process but can set you apart from your competition. If you have done your due diligence and researched the company, interviewer etc. you should…