Good Night, Irene
The big lesson children is that this is a very short ride, learn from the bumps. I’ve had a challenging couple of months. Not bombs falling on my house or losing a loved one challenging nevertheless I have been challenged by a period of poor health. On top of a Covid diagnosis and follow-on bronchitis I had a bad fall that literally rocked my world. And it was the fall…
And Then What Walt?
I love the comedy of Bob Newhart. Remember the sketches he did where he would mime taking a phone call from some historical figure? The one that comes to mind is a call with Sir Walter Raleigh where Walter is explaining tobacco uses in the new world. Bob in character as the head of the West Indies company in London…
Terminated, Fired, “Departed”
One of these things is not the same as the other and the difference children is significant. The recent and disturbing news that a high-profile media personality had “departed” left out the fired, terminated bit. Not knowing the internal workings of the organization, I can’t comment on the circumstances but what I can say is what a public relations disaster.…
Common Sense ??
I had been planning on writing a blog post titled “Common Sense”. I was going to outline situations where if common sense had been applied resolutions would have produced quicker and more satisfying results.I started to make a list of various controversies and issues that would be appropriate. But the list was too long, the idiocy too upsetting and the…
Nit Picking
Anyone with school age children will remember that ominous note from teacher, “Lice Out break in Classroom”. This is not a depression era phenomenon; it’s still happening by the way. These however are not the nits to which I am referring. The nits I am writing about are the passive aggressive comments made by individuals intent on hijacking news stories,…